Get Company details by company id in Magento 2 B2B.

Magento 2 You can get company details by company id. if you have Company id and you want to fetch details of a company in B2B Magento you need to instantiate a
Magento\Company\Api\CompanyRepositoryInterface Interface in construct( ) method of your PHP file. Continue reading “Get Company details by company id in Magento 2 B2B.”

Get Company Collection programmatically in Magento 2 B2B.

Magento Commerce has a native B2B feature. If you are using B2B feature for your store from Magento Commerce, You can get a list of the company for your store from Backend by Navigating to Customer -> Companies

When you store runs on B2B mechanism, You have many companies assigned to a store for your Business. Continue reading “Get Company Collection programmatically in Magento 2 B2B.”

How to change CrossSell product limit in Magento 2?

Magento 2, Cross-sell product will be display in Shopping Cart page. By Native Magento, Only four Cross-sell product will be display in cart page. If you want to increase or decrease the Cross-sell Product display limit in cart page you need to modify Core Crosssell.php file.

Native file location for CrossSell Product, Magento\Checkout\Block\Cart\Crosssell

You can check the hardcoded product limit by protected $_maxItemCount = 4; Continue reading “How to change CrossSell product limit in Magento 2?”