How to get Product URL from product object Magento 2?

Magento 2, You can get Product URL from Product object. You can be assigned Product URL to any page in store for a redirect to Product page.

I hope you have Product Object, Get Product Object by SKU

If you want to get Only Url Key value, You can access by $product->getUrlKey() method.

You can product full URL by getProductUrl() method.

$sku = '24-MB01';
$_product = $this->productRepository->get($sku);?>
<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl(); ?>


Assign customer to company Magento 2 B2B.

You can add Customer to Company Programmatically by assignCustomer( ) function from CompanyManagementInterface.

Magento\Company\Api\CompanyManagementInterface Interface will be used for assign customer to Company in Magento 2.

You need Company id and Customer id to achieve this. Continue reading “Assign customer to company Magento 2 B2B.”

Get company by customer Id in Magento 2 B2B.

Magento Commerce has a native B2B feature. If you are using B2B feature for your store from Magento Commerce, You can get a list of a company for your store from the Back end by Navigating to Customer -> Companies

You can check your assigned company by Customer dashboard,

Go To Customer -> All Customer
Now click on Account Information Tab,
Check Associate to Company Value. That’s your company associated with Customer Account.

Magento\Company\Api\CompanyManagementInterface Interface will be used for getting a Company data by Customer id. Continue reading “Get company by customer Id in Magento 2 B2B.”