Get Default Billing address by Webapi V1/customers/:customerId/billingAddress Magento.

Get Customer Default Billing address by Webapi in Magento using Endpoint /V1/customers/:customerId/billingAddress

Replace :customerId with an Original customer ID to fetch the Billing address of the Customer. Continue reading “Get Default Billing address by Webapi V1/customers/:customerId/billingAddress Magento.”

Check given customer email is available by rest/V1/customers/isEmailAvailable REST API Magento 2.

You can verify given Emai address is available on the website using Endpoint /V1/customers/isEmailAvailable.

If an email exists on the given website, the response will be false because the same email id already exists on the given website else the response will be true. Continue reading “Check given customer email is available by rest/V1/customers/isEmailAvailable REST API Magento 2.”

Get Customer Info by Rest API using V1/customers/:customerId in Magento 2.

Get Customer Data REST API from the customer ID using the V1/customers/:customerId  endpoint in Magento 2.

V1/customers/:customerId Used to Retrieve Customer Details in Magento by Customer Id.

Action: GET

URL: <URL>/rest/V1/<store_code>/customers/me/:customerId
(Example, http://magento246.docker/rest/default/V1/customers/me/10) Continue reading “Get Customer Info by Rest API using V1/customers/:customerId in Magento 2.”