Class Vendor\Module\Model\Interceptor does not exist exception error Magento 2.

Sometimes you face an exception error after installing the module via composer or by some other ways, you will able to see an exception error on the website or while running the setup upgrade or cache flush command.

Exception.log Error:

{“exception”:”[object] (ReflectionException(code: -1): Class Vendor\Module\Model\ResourceModel\Banner\Interceptor does not exist.

Continue reading “Class Vendor\Module\Model\Interceptor does not exist exception error Magento 2.”

Magento Search: Could not validate a connection to elasticsearch. No alive nodes found in your cluster. Magento Setup Upgrade Error.

How to fix Magento Could not validate a connection to elastic search. No alive nodes found in your cluster Magento 2?

I have faced an error while working with Magento locally. I used Warden to run local Magento. I got an error while running the command from CLI,

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Error on the command line:

Could not validate a connection to Elasticsearch. No alive nodes found in your cluster.

Based on the error, I have checked my elastic search configuration in the app/etc/env.php file, I have managed the catalog search configuration from the env.php file, Continue reading “Magento Search: Could not validate a connection to elasticsearch. No alive nodes found in your cluster. Magento Setup Upgrade Error.”

How to enable Category Permissions feature in Magento Commerce?

Magento Commerce Category Permissions feature comes with disabled but if you want to enable the category permission feature you can do it using the command line only.

For security reasons, this field will be not editable from the admin panel.

You can see the category permission feature from, Continue reading “How to enable Category Permissions feature in Magento Commerce?”