How to enable Mail send from Mailchimp in Magento 2?

When you integrate Magento with the Mailchimp newsletter, By default on the subscription of the mail, customers received the mail from the Magento end.

How to prevent Mail sending from Magento and want to receive it from the Mailchimp server?

You can stop Magento newsletter mail by doing some configuration settings from the Admin panel.

Login with Magento Credentials to the admin panel,

  • Go To Stores -> Configuration -> Mailchimp -> MailChimp,
  • Click on Mailchimp General Configuration Section,
  • Choose No from the Magento always manage emails field.
  • Save Config.

Now, You have to do another change from the Customer Newsletter tabs Configuration,

  • Go To Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Newsletter
  • From the Subscription Options, Need to Confirm set to Yes.
  • Save Config.

Clear the Magento cache and try to subscribe from the stores.

Mailchimp sends the subscription notification and based on the confirmation, you will connect with the website Newsletter.