How to update special price by REST API magento 2?

You can add/update special prices by REST API in Magento with V1/products/<SKU> endpoint.

If you want to give offers/discounts to the products over a specific period of days, you can give it with the help of REST API.

Endpoint URL: <BASE_URL>/rest/V1/products/<SKU> (Example: https://magento245.test/rest/default/V1/products/my-sku) Continue reading “How to update special price by REST API magento 2?”

How to Get Product Attribute options by attribute code with REST API Magento 2?

You can fetch product attribute options details by REST API with endpoint V1/products/attributes/:attributeCode/options in Magento.

To Access Product Attribute Options, you must have access to the given Role permission,

<resource ref="Magento_Catalog::attributes_attributes" />

You must also need to generate an Admin Token value to pass in the header of the API Call. Continue reading “How to Get Product Attribute options by attribute code with REST API Magento 2?”

How to delete Category by REST API magento 2?

You can delete a category with REST API in Magento 2 with rest/V1/categories/:categoryId

Action: DELETE

URL: <WEBSITE_URL>/rest/V1/categories/:categoryId
(Example: https://magento245.test/rest/default/rest/V1/categories/10)
Continue reading “How to delete Category by REST API magento 2?”