How to add sales order status history data programmatically in Magento 2?

To add sales order status history records to the given order, you required order id, status, comment message, is customer notify and entity name to insert entry on the sales_order_status_history table.

Create a factory object for the class Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Status\History and save the object data using the Order Status History Repository Interface. Continue reading “How to add sales order status history data programmatically in Magento 2?”

How to add Order Comments History by order id programmatically in Magento 2?

Add Magento Order History Comment using the programmatic approach for the orders.

You need to use the interface, Magento\Sales\Api\OrderStatusHistoryRepositoryInterface to add a comment. You can also set the order status for the comment.

You can check to add sales order status history data programmatically in Magento 2.

You have to Retrieve the Order ID to add a comment, load the order object by the ID, add a status history comment for the given sales order with some code snippet, Continue reading “How to add Order Comments History by order id programmatically in Magento 2?”

How Magento send Order, shipment, invoice and creditmemo emails in Magento 2?

How Magento Send Order Related Emails or Flow of the Order Sender Mail?

Magento sends order-related emails after the order performs an action like Place order, generate Invoice, generate shipment, and credit memo.

Magento_Sales module used for sending Order related emails to the customer.
You can start debugging from the Respective PHP class for the specific email in Magento 2.
Continue reading “How Magento send Order, shipment, invoice and creditmemo emails in Magento 2?”