Customer Logged in Programmatically using Magento 2.

You can do customer logged in Programmatically using Magento 2.

You required only Customer id to logged-in customer programmatically without going to the login page.

You need to first get Customer object using CustomerRepositoryInterface interface. Use Customer Object to customer session with setCustomerDataAsLoggedIn function. Continue reading “Customer Logged in Programmatically using Magento 2.”

Customer reset password Error, We received too many requests for password resets. Please wait and try again later Magento 2.

When you forgot your password for the Magento customer account and try to reset your password, Many times you can see the error message like,

“We received too many requests for password resets. Please wait and try again later or contact”

Continue reading “Customer reset password Error, We received too many requests for password resets. Please wait and try again later Magento 2.”

Create Customer Address Programmatically in Magento 2.

You can create Customer address using Programmatically for any existing customer in Magento.

For Create Customer address, you must have a customer created in Magento store. Based on existing customer id, We can create customer address programmatically. Continue reading “Create Customer Address Programmatically in Magento 2.”