How to Identify company module is active in B2B Magento 2?

You can identify Company module status like enable/disable using programmatic way.

Native Company module has a class called Magento\Company\Api\StatusServiceInterface contains the method isActive() to check the module status. Continue reading “How to Identify company module is active in B2B Magento 2?”

Get Company id by company name programmatically in B2B Magento 2.

You can get company id by company name using B2B Magento 2.

You required Company name to fetch company id programmatically using Magento\Company\Api\CompanyRepositoryInterface interface. Continue reading “Get Company id by company name programmatically in B2B Magento 2.”

Delete Company by company id programmatically B2B Magento 2.

You can delete company data by company id in B2B version of Magento Commerce or Magento Cloud Edition.

For Delete, Company you required company id to delete the company. use Magento\Company\Api\CompanyRepositoryInterface interface and use deleteById() method from the interface. Continue reading “Delete Company by company id programmatically B2B Magento 2.”