Plugin for Subscribe() method of email subscription Magento 2.

Subscribe by Email id in Magento 2 Use Subscribe($email) method to newsletter subscription in native code.

Native Class:
Magento\Newsletter\Model\Subscriber (Magento_Newsletter) Continue reading “Plugin for Subscribe() method of email subscription Magento 2.”

Get list of Inventory Stock in MSI Magento 2.

Inventory Stock in the Multi-Source (MSI) module are used for mapping a sales channel to source locations in Magento 2.

You can see a list of available Stocks from the Stores -> Inventory -> Stocks link. Continue reading “Get list of Inventory Stock in MSI Magento 2.”

Get Inventory Source info by Source Name using Multi-Source (MSI) Magento 2.

Retrieve the Inventory Source Details info by Source Name using MSI module Magento 2 is pretty simple.

The source name is the visible entity in the Manage source grid with column ‘name’ to separate out the list of different sources in a system. Continue reading “Get Inventory Source info by Source Name using Multi-Source (MSI) Magento 2.”