How to create database table with Install Schema in Magento 2?

In Magento 2, You need to create an InstallSchema.php file in the Setup folder under your module. In my case, the Module name is Rbj_Training,

Below code snippets are created database table name of create_form.

namespace Rbj\Training\Setup;

use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface;

class InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface
    public function install(
        SchemaSetupInterface $setup,
        ModuleContextInterface $context
    ) {
        //Your install script

        $createform = $setup->getConnection()->newTable($setup->getTable('create_form'));

            ['identity' => true,'nullable' => false,'primary' => true,'unsigned' => true,],
            'Entity ID'





Above script create create_form table with 4 fields, entity_id, name, phone_no, image

entity_id is an auto-increment field, a name is for name display, phone_no is used for phone and image is for image name store.

How to create a simple Hello World module in Magento 2?

Creating a Simple Hello World Module using Magento 2 is the Entry point for Learning Magento module structure.

A simple Module to display, Hello World in the browser is used for Beginner of Magento Developer who wants to explore Magento 2 in depth. Continue reading “How to create a simple Hello World module in Magento 2?”

How to remove empty attributes “N/A” in Magento 2?

Remove the Empty attribute from the Product Page Tabs section, By Default Text, which will be displayed as ‘N/A’ for empty attributes.

Attributes Data coming from the Magento Catalog module with view template file name is attributes.phtml Continue reading “How to remove empty attributes “N/A” in Magento 2?”