How to get shipping amount value from the order id Magento 2?

The shipping amount is the value of the total charge taken to deliver your item to your shipping address location in Magento 2.

Magento 2 total shipping amount value for the order is the total charge taken by the shipping service provider and the value of shipping amount will be saved into the sales_order table with shipping_amount and base_shipping_amount field. Continue reading “How to get shipping amount value from the order id Magento 2?”

How to Get discount amount of an Order in Magento 2?

How to Get Final discount amount of an Order in Magento 2?

An Order has a discount amount field used to store the discount amount value in the sales_order table for the specific order.

discount_amount field used to store final discount value applied to order level. Continue reading “How to Get discount amount of an Order in Magento 2?”

How to Get Order Entity id by Order Increment id Magento 2?

Magento 2 Get Order Entity id from the Order increment id using programmatically by the given solutions in this article.

Many times you required Order Entity id instead of Order increment id while developing functionality related to Order.  The order Entity id is the Primary key of the Order Entity from the Sales_order table. Continue reading “How to Get Order Entity id by Order Increment id Magento 2?”