How to Check html minify enable programmatically Magento 2?

Magento 2 has native feature to enable html Minify from the Configuration setting in the admin panel.

Html Minification is not applied in developer mode.

To Minify html in Magento 2 via admin panel,
Go To Admin panel,
Click Stores -> Settings -> Configuration,
Select Advanced -> Developer Tab,
Open Template Settings section,
Html minify set to Yes,
Click on Save Config.

You can Check whether minify of HTML is on via programmatically,

namespace Jesadiya\HtmlMinify\Model;

use Magento\Framework\View\Asset\ConfigInterface;

class HtmlMinify
     * @var ConfigInterface
    private $htmlMinify;

    public function __construct(
        ConfigInterface $htmlMinify
    ) {
        $this->htmlMinify = $htmlMinify;

     * Check that html minification is enabled
     * @return boolean
    public function isHtmlMinifyEnabled()
        return $this->htmlMinify->isMinifyHtml();

Call method from the template or PHP class,
echo $isHtmlMinifyEnable = $this->isHtmlMinifyEnabled();
