Get Company Data by company id in B2B Magento 2.

You can get company data by company id in the B2B version of Magento Commerce or Magento Cloud Edition.

Get company data using B2B, You must install B2B extension first to get data of a company,

use Magento\Company\Api\CompanyRepositoryInterface;

class Company

    public function __construct(
        CompanyRepositoryInterface $companyRepository
    ) {
        $this->companyRepository = $companyRepository;

    public function getCompanyData()
	$company = null;
        $companyId = 3;
        try {
            $company = $this->companyRepository->get($companyId);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", $e->getMessage());
        return $company;


    [entity_id] => 3
    [status] => 1
    [company_name] => ztech
    [legal_name] => Rbj
    [company_email] =>
    [street] => 200 E. 6th Street
    [city] => Austin
    [country_id] => US
    [region_id] => 57
    [postcode] => 78701
    [telephone] => 1234554321
    [customer_group_id] => 1
    [sales_representative_id] => 1
    [super_user_id] => 31