How to set column as clickable in UI Column Component Listing Magento 2?

Ui component grid with Column Component implements the basic column in the listing.

Listing use column to display a list of different entities for the specific entity collection.

If you want to clickable link column from the available columns in the grid, You can do it using applied bodyTmpl options.

You have created a custom listing for the admin panel and one of the columns is Order Id and you want to clickable this column, Its possible using a UI Listing. Continue reading “How to set column as clickable in UI Column Component Listing Magento 2?”

How to Get Current Quote Id by Checkout Session Magento 2?

To Retrieve the current quote ID from the cart checkout page, You need to use a checkout session to fetch all the information related to quote data.

Use Magento\Checkout\Model\Session to inject the object using the class __construct() method. While you working with the checkout page and need to fetch quote data by current quote id, in this case, this article is useful for you.

The checkout session contains the quote data and using session fetch getQuote(), based on the quote, you can get any quote-related data. Continue reading “How to Get Current Quote Id by Checkout Session Magento 2?”

How to add new field before shipping methods in checkout page Magento 2?

Checkout Shipping Step page, You can display the input field between shipping address and shipping methods.

Magento 2, To display the Input field before shipping methods, you need to create a checkout_index_index.xml file to set the content of the file. Continue reading “How to add new field before shipping methods in checkout page Magento 2?”