How Abandoned Carts report works in Magento 2?

Magento supports the out-of-the-box Abandoned Carts Reports feature.

You can able to see Abandoned Carts reports from the Navigation menu by clicking on,

      • Reports -> Marketing -> Abandoned Carts.

You can able to see a list of abandoned carts for a customer in the grid.

The abandoned Carts grid has Customer, Email, Products, Quantity, Subtotal, Applied Coupon, IP address, Created and Updated Column. Admin users can able to see a list of columns with specific detail for the customer.

The abandoned Carts feature is managed by quote lifetime setting from the configuration.

You can see the configuration in the admin panel,

      • Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout -> Shopping Basket -> Quote Lifetime (days)

By default, the Quote Lifetime is 30 days and you can manage it based on your requirement by website level.

Interesting to know:

  • Abandoned Carts contains the list of quotes that will be not older than given days in the Quote Lifetime. All the Quotes in the grid are for Registered customers only and guest customer quotes will be not displayed.
  • The quote is considered expired if the latest update date of the quote is greater than the lifetime threshold.
  • You can export reports in CSV or Excel XML format from the Grid page. 
  • Based on the reports, You can give some promotional offers to customers to place an order.

Cron Job used to clean up(expired) quotes that have older than Quote Lifetime days.

<job name="sales_clean_quotes" instance="Magento\Sales\Cron\CleanExpiredQuotes" method="execute">
    <schedule>0 0 * * *</schedule>

CleanExpiredQuotes class is used to remove expired quotes from the database.