How to check File is .tar using Magento 2?

Verify Filename has extension .tar or not using PHP Magento 2.

If the file is a valid tar file, the result will be true otherwise result will be false. Some time you need to verify the current file is tar or not in that scenario, this article is used for your development. Continue reading “How to check File is .tar using Magento 2?”

How to get i18n Directory path of a module using Magento 2?

i18n folder in module useful for translation purpose in Magento 2 for multiple languages.

You can add a translated CSV file at the module or theme level under the i18n folder. The website has multiple languages and you want to translate the text to a specific locale of the store, you need to create a CSV file for respective language locale like en_US.csv, fr_FR.csv file. Continue reading “How to get i18n Directory path of a module using Magento 2?”

How to Get Module’s view directory image or js full path using Magento 2?

You can retrieve the full path of the Module’s static asset like Images, Javascript, or CSS file path using Magento 2.

If you want to get the full path of the view directory for the frontend or backend area, You need to use Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository class to achieve the task. Continue reading “How to Get Module’s view directory image or js full path using Magento 2?”