Phpunit test for factory collection in Magento 2.

In Magento 2, All the core module uses PHPUnit test for verify code is working or not with an automated PHP unit test framework.

As a professional developer, You should write Unittest for each of your module’s logical file.

I will generate a  Unit test for Factory Pattern where function return collection based on custom conditions on collection factory. Continue reading “Phpunit test for factory collection in Magento 2.”

Unit Test for Private and Protected Methods with PHPUnit Magento 2.

PHPUnit used to test your code coverage. You can easily write a Public method test case with PHPUnit.

Writing Unit Test case for private and protected methods in PHP language can cause trouble due to you can’t call private and protected methods directly But they should be tested using a different approach.

Using the ReflectionMethod class invoke() method,
It’s possible to test both methods. In Magento Core code, few methods are tested with Private and Protected test case. Continue reading “Unit Test for Private and Protected Methods with PHPUnit Magento 2.”

How to write PHPUnit Test for a module in Magento 2?

All the Core module in Magento natively comes with Unit and Integration Test.

As a professional Developer, When you create any module for your project, You should have to write Unit Test for your module code to validate your code is errorless.

Write a Unit test for your module, Gives guarantee your code is bug-free with Find problems earlier before going live and if any error available for a code, you can update the code before code is going to a production server. Continue reading “How to write PHPUnit Test for a module in Magento 2?”