Use of Event catalog_category_change_products Magento 2.

Magento 2 uses catalog_category_change_products events to Checks if a category has changed products.

If you change an existing product from the category or adding new products to the category at that time, Magento use event for change products.

Declaration of the event from the vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/ResourceModel/Category.php with a method, _saveCategoryProducts() that add logic for the Save category products relation. Continue reading “Use of Event catalog_category_change_products Magento 2.”

Magento 2 Create custom event and observer using events.xml programmatically.

Magento 2 Supports Create Custom Event Observer with your event name.

Under your module with the event defines using dispatch() method and events.xml file. You can Handle the Events data using Observer Class. Continue reading “Magento 2 Create custom event and observer using events.xml programmatically.”

How to redirect from Observer in Magento 2?

Magento 2, You can redirect to any custom URL from Observer file. When you have created event observer for any specific event and you want to redirect to any URL in a site, You can redirect from observer simply by calling below code,

Create an observer file under app/code/{Packagename}/{Modulename}/YourEventObserver.php

Continue reading “How to redirect from Observer in Magento 2?”