Display success and error messages using ManagerInterface Magento 2

Magento 2, You can show Success and Error Message Using Interface Magento\Framework\Message\ManagerInterface.

You can display success message Using addSuccessMessage( ) and display error message using addErrorMessage( ) function.

addError( ), addSuccess( ), addWarning( ) and addNotice( ) methods are deprecated.

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How to get Base Url and Current Url Magento 2?

In Magento 2, You can get Base Url, Current Url, get Media URL, get static page URL and custom URL using Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface and Magento\Framework\UrlInterface Object.

Using StoreManager Object,
Create PHP file and Passed Dependency injection Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface, Continue reading “How to get Base Url and Current Url Magento 2?”

Send mail from custom module Magento 2

To send custom email in Magento 2 using the module, We need to create a custom module to send email to a specific recipient.

Out of the box, Magento Provides multiple mail template, like Sales Order, Customer mails, Contacts and so on.

If you want to send your custom mail functionality using Magento 2, You need to create a simple module and create a custom template file using Module for mail body.

Continue reading “Send mail from custom module Magento 2”