Check JS minify or not programmatically in Magento 2.

Magento 2 has native feature to JS Minify from the Configuration Setting admin panel.

To Minify JavaScript files in Magento 2 Via admin panel,
Go To Admin panel,
Click Stores -> Settings -> Configuration from the left sidebar.
Select Developer Tab under the Advanced from the left sidebar,
Open the JavaScript Settings section,
Minify Javascript file to Yes,
Click on Save Config. Continue reading “Check JS minify or not programmatically in Magento 2.”

How to get image url in knockout html template Magento 2?

You can add or get an image URL to .html (knockout) template to show images at a specific location in the checkout page of Magento 2.

In .html file, if you want to set a dynamic image from the theme or module’s web folder in the checkout page or any location that contains code render as knockout, You can be assigned images using the knockout template with ease. Continue reading “How to get image url in knockout html template Magento 2?”

Get Checkout status of user is guest or registerd using javascript Magento 2.

  • How to know the Checkout Method Status of the user is Guest or Registered Magento 2?

While working on the checkout page, You can know the current customer is a Guest or registered customer using checking the customer login status. Continue reading “Get Checkout status of user is guest or registerd using javascript Magento 2.”