How to Check if product has links_exist attribute in Magento 2?

Attribute code links_exist is available for the only Downloadable Product type in Magento 2.

You can verify if the product has links exists or not programmatically by the class, Magento\Downloadable\Model\Product\Type

Using Model class, create simple function to check links exist for the given product by $product->getData(‘links_exist’) Continue reading “How to Check if product has links_exist attribute in Magento 2?”

How to get Downloadable Product Links data from product object Magento 2?

Retrieve getDownloadableProductLinks() from the Product object in Magento 2 to fetch download product links information.

Core module module-downloadable contains the extension attributes type for the Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface. Attribute code downloadable_product_links used for the links details in the product object. Continue reading “How to get Downloadable Product Links data from product object Magento 2?”

How to check product type is downloadable programmatically in Magento 2?

Verify Downloadable product type by product object in Magento 2 using SKU or by id.

You can retrieve product objects by the Product Repository interface in the Model Class and use the getTypeId() method to check the type of product. Continue reading “How to check product type is downloadable programmatically in Magento 2?”