Get is comparable attribute list programmatically in magento 2.

Magento 2 Compare product is one of the native features available with Out of the box. You can compare multiple products from listing and product pages with a click on compare link.

If you want to know about get all the is_comparable attribute lists using programmatically you need to use Magento\Eav\Api\AttributeRepositoryInterface Interface. Continue reading “Get is comparable attribute list programmatically in magento 2.”

Get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id programmatically magento 2.

Shared Catalog is the native functionality of B2B Magento Commerce. Magento gives you the ability to maintain shared catalogs with the custom pricing structure for different companies. A Public Default(General) Catalog will be available native with Magento B2B.

You can get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id programmatically using
Interface used to get, delete and save catalog data related stuff.

Get Shared Catalog Data by id Magento 2 B2B

You need to filter customer_group_id using SearchCriteriaBuilder Interface and assigned searchCriteria object to sharedCatalogRepository getList() method. Continue reading “Get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id programmatically magento 2.”

Product Custom option table relation with other entity in Magento 2

Product with the custom option available Out of the box in Magento 2. You can add, delete or update custom option of a product using an admin panel or creating a script by programmatically.

You can check the relation for each custom option table with another table in Magento 2.3

catalog_product_option is the primary table to manage Custom Option related data for a product. Continue reading “Product Custom option table relation with other entity in Magento 2”