How to get tier price by Product SKU Magento 2?

Get Tier price by SKU or Product id in Magento 2 with TierPrice Storage Interface.

Magento\Catalog\Api\TierPriceStorageInterface is used to retrieve the tier price of a product. get(array $sku) method with an array of product SKU as an argument returns pricing information for the specified product.

You can retrieve the tier price of a single product or multiple products by their SKU as comma-separated. Just refer to the code snippet to get the tier price, Continue reading “How to get tier price by Product SKU Magento 2?”

How to get entity type link field value in Magento 2 Commerce?

In Magento commerce, Retrieve the value of the link field for the specific entity type programmatically to join the database query.

Magento uses $metadata->getLinkField() to get the name of the field for the given entity type using MetadataPool class.

You need to pass the entity type interface to fetch the link field name. When you working with Magento commerce, you required entity link field value instead of table primary key entity_id to join query with other database tables. Continue reading “How to get entity type link field value in Magento 2 Commerce?”

How to load transaction data by id Magento 2?

Get a specific Payment transaction details by the given Transaction id in Magento 2.

Retrieve the transaction details information will be an array of order id, txn_id, payment id, txn_type, and additional_information from the sales_payment_transaction database table.

The sales module has API TransactionRepositoryInterface, use get() method from the interface to fetch transactional data. Continue reading “How to load transaction data by id Magento 2?”