Get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id programmatically magento 2.

Shared Catalog is the native functionality of B2B Magento Commerce. Magento gives you the ability to maintain shared catalogs with the custom pricing structure for different companies. A Public Default(General) Catalog will be available native with Magento B2B.

You can get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id programmatically using
Interface used to get, delete and save catalog data related stuff.

Get Shared Catalog Data by id Magento 2 B2B

You need to filter customer_group_id using SearchCriteriaBuilder Interface and assigned searchCriteria object to sharedCatalogRepository getList() method. Continue reading “Get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id programmatically magento 2.”

Get Shared Catalog data by id programmatically Magento 2.

Shared Catalog is the native functionality of B2B Magento Commerce. Magento gives you the ability to maintain shared catalogs with the custom pricing structure for different companies. A Public Default(General) Catalog will be available native with Magento B2B.

You can get Shared Catalog data by shared catalog id using programmatically.
Magento\SharedCatalog\Api\SharedCatalogRepositoryInterface Interface used to get,delete and save  Shared catalog data related stuff. Get Shared Catalog data by Customer group id Magento 2. Continue reading “Get Shared Catalog data by id programmatically Magento 2.”

Assign customer to company Magento 2 B2B.

You can add Customer to Company Programmatically by assignCustomer( ) function from CompanyManagementInterface.

Magento\Company\Api\CompanyManagementInterface Interface will be used for assign customer to Company in Magento 2.

You need Company id and Customer id to achieve this. Continue reading “Assign customer to company Magento 2 B2B.”